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The Duggars shipped from God FOD

The Duggars shipped FODThis spoof on Jimbob and Michelle Duggar from Funny or Die is not far from the reality of this silly family with the faraway eyes.

Those of us who do not watch the Evangelical reality shows like Duck Dynasty, the Palin crap and this celebration of having 19 children for Jesus don’t know all that much about these kind of people. We are more prone to watch reruns of Monty Python or SNL sketches to get our laughs.

The bottom line here is two fold. First a new term has come to us to compliment the word “santorum” from some years ago. “Duggaring” which means to engage in pedophilia while at the same time claiming gay and transgender individuals are the ones posing a risk to children. And secondly how these silly parents along with the police gave Josh Duggar a free ride as a child molester because they were so nicely Christian.

What I got out of this sordid business from not only Josh Duggar, Jimbob, Michelle Duggar and even the Duggar girls who were molested, is that they were all HOME SCHOOLED using hard core evangelical Christian misogyny found in the Advanced Training Institute programs. Home schooling and vouchers are what perpetuates this silly crap in this country of ours.