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The Face of the Texas Taliban, Cynthia Dunbar

dunbar Aside from the FDLS having sex with little girls because it’s what God wants and the endless gunfire we direct at each other, the big news down here in Dumbutt is what the Texas Taliban is doing under the name Texas State Board of Education.

Of the 15 members 11 are Republicans and four are Democrats. A few of the Republicans are moderates and one Democrat is a Catholic fundamentalist which gives the Taliban faction the majority of at least 8 and often 9 votes. Votes advocating not only the various forms of "creationism", but religious school vouchers and other assorted examples of religious dingbat intolerance. Texas scientists support teaching evolution

2010 is the year Texas changes its textbooks so these people are presently on the rampage to force as much Christian intolerance and stupidity into the Texas educational system as they can get away with. The object of course is to make the entire state as dumb as they are. It’s about all the have to  make them feel good about themselves.

A quick primer on evolution… Origin of Species was published in 1859 which set forth the fight for "creationism". It went famously to court in Tennessee in 1926 in the Scopes Trial with "creationism" winning the day. In the late 1960s – because of court rulings – they had to hide "Biblical Creation" behind what was to become known as "creation science" which they perused until that too came under fire from the courts. In the late 1990’s they changed the name again to "intelligent design". A few years ago the Dover case put that to rest and now the same "creationism" resides under the auspices of "teaching the weaknesses of evolution". It is not just Texas, but the majority of Americans who believe creationism should be given equal time in science classes in public schools. That should scare your pants off.

donmcleroy The big Three loudmouth boneheads of the Texas Taliban are Committee members Don McLeroy (pictured) English Education going Backwards in Texas, David Bradley and Cynthia Dunbar, with Dunbar making the most recent news because of her new book One Nation Under God.

During the election Dunbar gained a bit of national attention by claiming that if Barack Obama were to be elected he would declare marshal law and America would become a dictatorship. She has now published a crazyass book, Education official’s book attacked


In her book, One Nation Under God, Dunbar argues that the country’s founding fathers created "an emphatically Christian government" and believed that government should be guided by a "biblical litmus test."

Dunbar endorses a belief system requiring "any person desiring to govern have a sincere knowledge and appreciation for the Word of God in order to rightly govern."

She calls public education a "subtly deceptive tool of perversion." The establishment of public schools is unconstitutional and even "tyrannical," she writes in the book, because it threatens the

"It’s mainly an educational tool to the body of Christ," Dunbar said, adding that Christians appear to be targeted once they become active politically.

"I don’t think most people in the churches are aware of the venom against Christian America," she said. "So, it’s more of a wake-up call to be informed, to be involved. They are fine with the body of Christ as long as we stay hidden in our four walls of the church, sitting quietly in our pews.

"But if we become civically involved or active in public policy issues, then we’re going to be shot down,"

I noticed Mrs. Dunbar’s uncanny resemblance to another right-wing religious nitwit – who after giving us George W. Bush as our Nitwit President – got elected to Congress twice before the people in her Florida District realized what a crazyass airhead she was. Katherine Harris who is so far out in Right-wing La La Land they made a horror movie about her! They both also bring to mind Anita Bryant and Sarah Palin. 


Brunettes are the problem! Gimmie Blondes, I love em!


Oops… Sorry… I must of been drunk…