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The map of how Democrats SHOULD win from here to eternity

The map of how Democrats SHOULD win from here to eternity

The map of how Democrats SHOULD win from here to eternity

This map of the 2016 presidential election simply shows where Democrats should spend their time and money from now on end.  Remember even with the loss of those four usually blue states going red Hillary still won the popular vote by 3 million votes. And those states went red with only 100,000 votes between them.

So if Democrats just get those 4 states back they will have the popular and electoral votes in the bag.

Add Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, Missouri and Georgia which can go either way and it’s the House, the Senate and White House in the bag.

The yellow dots are a waste of time, sure Texas with the ever growing Hispanic population is moving purple but it is still a very long way off. The 5 statewide elected officials who all won by more than 20 points are the most radical right-wing nobs in America which will isn’t going to change any time soon.