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The Morning Rackit, Feb 9, 2009

Maureen Dowd

Now, Daschle’s punishment for getting too rich with special interests will be to get richer with special interests.

Mornin’ Joe

Many months ago I sent both a snailmail  and email CNN to say that after 25 years I would no longer watch their channel until Lou Dobbs was off the air. I wrote in a professional non partisan manner that giving Lou Dobbs an hour of exposure everyday to push his WHITE xenophobic bigotry was so far over the top that he is probably too much for even Fox News. I miss many of the CNN players, primarily Christine Amanpour but also  Donna Brazile and of course the bald madman of Louisiana James Carville. I do not miss Wolf Blitzer.

So my choices for all day background office news was between Fox News or MSNBC. With an IQ above room temperature it wasn’t much of a choice…

My heaviest watching is early morning so I kick start each day with Moderate Republican (once Florida congressman) Joe Scarborough. Along with his sidekick the cute and almost liberal Mika Brzezinski and of course Pat Buchanan. I like Pat, it’s WYISYG there! And with his good sense of humor and ability to so easily laugh as himself he comes off as one of those likeable fellows you want to to go pound shots with. In a straight white bar anyway.

But it’s the Moderate Republican Joe Scarborough who sours my Morning Joe.

The example that put it all in perspective for me was his recent live meltdown defending torture and the denial of due process and habeas corpus at Gitmo. A meltdown as in screeching, finger pointing, fist pounding spittle flashing loss of control. Thought they did not show the puddle of yellow liquid flowing out from under his desk.

Moderate Republicans

Moderate Republicans enjoy torture, A LOT!

They are firm in their ability to remove WOMEN from their Pro Life reasoning and they see the answer to everything as less regulation (well, other than government control of gay couples and pregnant), and lowering taxes for those most able to pay them. And of course more ammo all around…

There you go! The  MODERATE wing of the GOP!

How did what was once thought of as John Birch Society Right-wing Lunacy become Moderate Politics?

Two words.


The most successful application of putting lipstick on a pig in American history.
May he rot in Hell…