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The New Bad Weiners Weiner Picture

I decided to run this damn thing because it looks more like Andrew Breitbart’s face than anything else. It needs a bit of staring at for awhile to see either image, it’s harmless enough.

A few days ago Andrew Breitbart said in front of God and everyone he would not release this photo because the pain it would cause Weiner’s wife, and that he is not that low of a human being.

This morning Breitbart was on the Sirus XM shock jocks Opie and Anthony show and showed them the picture on his cell phone, which they took a picture of and Tweeted to the world. So Breitbart is innocent! In Breitbart world at least.

Every time I see the guy, I swear he has just finished off an 8-ball with Everclear chasers. Andrew Breibart makes Larry Flint seem like Jesus Christ.

You know the RNC today released a letter saying house member taking money from Weiner in the past must return it or it means they condone what he did.  They do not say the same about Senator David Vitter who actually cheated on his wife with multiple prostitutes wearing diapers, did not resign, was not told to resign, and is this very minute collecting money from Republican congressman for his family values PAC.

How do Republicans get away this kind of hypocrisy? Their constituents don’t care as long as they are white, wear flag lapel pins and talk about Jesus.  It is why the GOP is killing education at every level, they intend to keep Americans stupid enough to vote for them forever.