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The NRA Grinch who Stole Christmas, Lukovich cartoon

NRA grinch who stole Christmas

So…. Will the GOP be running with the NRA and assault rifles for everyone

come 2014?

The party of wealth. The party of White. The party of Fox News Christianity. The party of no sex education. The party of anti-immigration. The party of less access to birth control. The party of government control of pregnant women. The party of reducing social security, medicare, medicaid, unemployment insurance, food for children. The party of union busting and of course the party of the NRA.

Sounds like a winner hey? Don’t change a thing boys! Double on down to oblivion.

BTW I did some research on violence in video games, and movies and toys and such. Every study seems to show no correlation to gun violence. We can see that in places like Windor and Toronto where both Canadians and Americans get the same TV, movies, games etc. How Asians spend more time with violent video games than we do with less violence.

On the other side there is Europe and Australia who don’t care the studies and have opted to reduce violence in games, movies, tv and toys. All who have about 5 to 10 times less gun violence.

For Sandy Hook, I will forgo the reason, and probably cause and effect to help subdue our violent nature by giving more thought to rules and laws about dishing out so much violence and gunplay to our children.

It is not the specific gun law, or censorship of violence, it is the overall direction we should be going. And those defending AR15s and extended clips should all be given a kick in the ass whenever they open their yaps.