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The NRA is not to blame

The NRA is not to blame

The NRA is not to blameHere we have the long list of what is really responsible for all of our mass shootings with of course guns and bullets at the bottom of the list.

I have been through this argument with gun enthusiasts a thousand times. We will have to ban knives and bats and pencils and heavy books et al…

Okay pal, meet you at dawn in the meadow at 100 paces (or a thousand paces), you get your choice of knives, bats, pencils and heavy books and I will choose a .44 magnum and an AR15. Be there or be square.

And these kind of people are now running the show because Republicans are afraid of them by getting primaried and the media fears losing that share.

Hello media! You already lost that share unless your name begins with either Fox or Rush.

And Republicans? Perhaps after this reality of this incompetent buffoon and his creepy crawlers running the show, it might be time to rethink going ever rightward what with the issues and the demography catching up to you in general elections.