Sometimes The Onion goes so far over the top with their satire making fun of bad ideas and stupid people that it losses it’s humor to the fantastic, wait, what, this isn’t from The Onion, you gotta be kidding me?
Though we reported on this a few days ago Texas Governor Greg Abbott panders to Right-wing conspiracy nuts we put the oneness upon Texas Governor Abbott for playing into this silly conspiracy crap, but now with this video and graphic we get to see what morons actually look and sound like.
It would all be silly business if these were not the same people who have home arsenals filled with assault rifles and pallets of ammo. After all, this kind of crap comes mostly from the gun enthusiast crowd. What I learned from all this is that other than Ted Nugent, Ron Paul is the only other regular celebrity guest on the Alex Jones Show. Rand Paul stopped showing up after he became a Senator. Alex Jones is campaigning for a Rand Paul / Ted Cruz ticket for 2016.
Of course this conspiracy is a big laugh across most of America outside Texas, but even some Texas Republicans are offended by Governor Abbott playing into it, this one by the guy who lost to Ted Cruz because he was only a run of the mill right-wing Republican rather than a right-wing lunatic had this to say:
“Unfortunately, some Texans have projected their legitimate concerns about the competence and trustworthiness of President Barack Obama on these noble warriors. This must stop.” Former Republican Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst explains what is at the bottom of this insane crap. Racism. Full frontal overt in your face Texas racism.
And there is this one from another normal right-wing Texas Republican:
“Your letter pandering to idiots has left me livid. I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do.” Texas Republican State Rep. Todd Smith in a letter to Governor Abbott.
In Governor Abbott’s defense, this is just good Texas politics as these nitwits make up much of the hard voting Republican base here in Texas.