President Trump and Paul Ryan would do better following the plans Beyonce and Drake do to create sudden blockbuster albums they quietly worked on from months.
Republicans have had 7 1/2 years and over 50 failed votes in congress to come up with a replacement for Obamacare. Now that they have control of both houses of congress, the White House and half the Supreme Court they still can’t seem to do it. And even if Trump’s threats to Ryan and Republicans do manage to squeak it by later today, the Senate is sure to kill it.
So what’s the Republican problem other than having a lying buffoon in the White House. It’s 30 extremely gerrymandered districts of Freedom Caucus members who very strongly want the Healthcare bill to hurt millions more people hurt much more. Really. I am not kidding. And what’s worse, they are now heroes to the Democrats! Gosh…
Thankfully, the Senate cannot be gerrymandered, so just the opposite comes to the Senate where state wide voting puts about a dozen Republican Senators in danger of losing in 2018 for taking medicaid away from their base.
Gerrymandering, suppressing the vote, fear, intolerance and bullshit are the only cards Republicans hold. Good for an opposition party I suppose but no good for governing.