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The Texas Republican Party Platform 2010

Hispanics will make up 78 percent of Texas’ population growth over the next 30 years, compared with only 4 percent for whites, according to demographic projections.
Minority children already make up 66 percent of the state’s 4.8 million public school enrollment — and Hispanics could surpass whites in the state’s overall population by 2015, estimates show.
Not one of the state’s 181 legislators is a Hispanic Republican. GOP Deters Hispanics

How intolerant, bigoted and STUPID are Texas Republicans? Well here are a few of the high points of the Texas Republican Party Platform decided over the weekend.

Make it a Class A misdemeanor criminal offense for an illegal alien to intentionally or knowingly be within the State of Texas

Opposition in any form that leads to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Making American English the official language of Texas and the United States.

Creating a felony offense for anyone who performs a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple.

Passing legislation requiring a sonogram for each pregnant woman seeking an abortion.

Opposing legislation allowing stem cell research involving the creation of killing of human embryos for medical research.

Calling for the immediate transition to a system of private pensions and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax.

Calling for the repeal of the state lottery and opposing any further legalization of any type of gambling.

Urging Congress to “repeal and reject the national health care takeover, also known as ‘ObamaCare.’?”

Opposing automatic college admissions rules, such as the top 10 percent rule.

Calling for the repeal of the No Child Left Behind law and the U.S. Department of Education.

Recommending a national sales tax to replace all other federal taxes.

Urging Congress to evict the United Nations from the United States to rescind U.S. membership.