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The trouble with Ted Cruz is Father Rapael Cruz

r81313cruzHoly Hockeylockers! Gosh… Gee… OMG!  So there you have it. Ever wonder where the newest most Right-wing lunatic and Joe McCarthy wannabe in the Senate came from? THERE YA GO!  Wow.

The the new hybrid Libertarian is led by religions fundamentalists Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul. Atheist Ayn Rand is rolling in her grave.

Rapael Cruz represents all that is wrong with this country. He is just a hair away from Westboro Baptist. Please take  notice in his crazy argument comparing President Obama to Fidel Castro and then blaming our problems on homosexuality – which Fidel Castro famously imprisoned people for. Who is most like Fidel Castro? Even the first premise of his argument is bogus for Fidel Castro never used the term HOPE AND CHANGE.

But the silly argument itself is not the issue, rather it is how the human brain can be so corrupted by Evangelical Christianity that this angry old bigot is not even aware of it.

And here again and again and again we find the ugliness, the ignorance, the hatred and the bigotry always leading back to Evangelical Christianity. It’s the mad elephant in the room that neither the media or politicians can address.