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The Trumperwocky

The TrumperwockyAh, the Trumperwocky, who wants only two things, more fame and for you to want what it wants, a representive of the darker angels of our culture, society, politics and religion.

What most unpoorly educated Yankees seem to miss in all this is not that his followers are bigots and racists with violent natures but that they are damn proud of it.

It’s what all this PC business is all about, the anger they feel in only being able to celebrate their bigotry it privately among themselves and the trouble it causes them when they bring it to school, to work or the public square. Well not all of them, talk radio hosts actually get paid millions to celebrate the bigotry while the regular guy gets a kick in the ass for it. Which is why radio talk i ssuch a money cow. Rush Limbaugh says what I can’t get away with saying. Until Donald Trump came along.