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The Un Cheney

Doing The Un Cheney

Dick Cheney ranks up there as the most wrong entity in American politics but it’s pretty well settled from both political parties that Weekly Standard owner William Kristol hasn’t been right about anything since at age 11 he predicted Barry Goldwater would beat LBJ.  His pick for Republican nominee tis year? Sam Alito. And of course like Cheney wrong about every single thing in Iraq and the Middle East.

We often used the term NEO CON when it comes to war hawks but more specifically it denotes Jewish War Hawks, William Kristol and his Weekly Standard lead the pack in that endeavor. War with Iraq, war with Syria, another War with Iraq, War with Iran, War with Pakistan, a War with Iraq and Isis and a War with Afghanistan to name just a few. Bill Kristol is the greatest chicken hawk little coward of all time. The only more disgusting human being I can come up with is Roy Cohn, the architect of McCarthyism. I could mention Ted Nugent but his a God Fearing Christian.