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The Wiener Michael Savage says Autism is a Minority Scam

Jewish, racist, bigot, homophobe and above all Republican talkshow host Mikey Wiener (Michael Savage) claimed last week that Autism is not a medical condition but a scam perpetrated by African Americans to protect their bratty little kids from responsibility. 

Who listens to this guy? Well besides most of Idaho and Texas. Hell, even in Mississippi this one got the show taken off the air and replaced by the less racist right-wing lunatic Dennis Miller. Station nixes ‘Savage Nation’

That Wiener is a piece of human garbage goes without saying which goes for his Republican audience too, but what companies sponsor this creep?  I have spent an hour looking and can only find companies that have withdrawn their advertisements.

Here he is just a few weeks ago making fun of brain cancer Michael Savage Makes Fun of Ted Kennedy’s Brain Tumor