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Top Lines:Rants,Raves About Obama’s Remarks on Trayvon Martin & Geraldo Selfie! Martin Bashir

Top Lines:Rants,Raves About Obama's 'racist' Remarks on Trayvon Martin. Geraldo steamy hot clothless Selfie! Martin Bashir

To hear Fox News pundits  and other conservative blowhards, President Obama should have checked with them before he stepped up and said a few sincere words about Trayvon Martin. Just who does he think he is?! I missed the ‘incendiary language’ which was pitched so that only dog breeds like Sean Hannity could hear them.  I often hear the argument that is presented here. People demand to know why President Obama didn’t talk about ‘other’ incidents of gun violence, where the perpetrators were black.  As I recall, he addressed all gun violence in his speech. Self perpetuating divisiveness lives on!

Are you ready for some GOOD news for a change? Well, seventy is the ‘new fifty’ according to Geraldo Rivera.  Geraldo is pictured in the steamy, revealing selfie that is too hot even for Twitter.  How many ways can you say “Pay attention to ME again!” We’ll know when and if Geraldo and Sarah Palin team up.