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Top Ten things to be happy about with President Elect Trump!

Top Ten things to be happy about with President Elect Trump!


  1. We will all have a front row seat to a political circus never before experienced in American history.
  2. The First Family will look good and whiter than a Fox News panel on the last glacier.
  3. Late night talk shows will have an endless supply of the funniest political crap you ever saw.
  4. Rush Limbaugh will have nothing to witch about.
  5. Republican control of all branches of government will hit uneducated white working class Trump voters harder than it will you – well if you are not Muslim, Mexican African American or a woman anyway.
  6. There will be a new steel mill along side every new auto plant behind every Walmart from Idaho to Georgia.
  7. Next election will get people off their asses to go vote because now they know it does matter and everything is not the same.
  8. Weed is legal in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, Massachusetts and DC.
  9. Donald Trump is historically more like Bentio Mussolini than anyone else and may very well end in the same manner.
  10. Any woman known to have voted for Donald Trump can be grabbed by the wussy, though from the looks of it, I doubt they have much to worry about.

After reading that over I had to come to terms with what I am.  How many white male Democrats are there? Googling I found that it has been fairly steady since Reagan with about 40% of white people voting for Democrats. More than half of those are women, so let’s put white male liberals at 15%.  Extrapolate that to Texas where I live, or any of the other confederate states or states where no one lives and it’s below 10%.  I am more of a minority that either Latinos or African Americans.