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Tornado Tuesday – Mike Huckabee and the Fingers of God

fingers of godThe only thing unexpected watching the results of Super Tuesday were that Mike Huckabee took a few states and we were constantly interrupted by those Memphis tornadoes which killed 45 and injured hundreds. Down here in Dumbutt we call tornadoes The Fingers of God! This morning local television shows were filled – as they always are after these blessed events – with those crazyass interviews taking place in front of a pile of ruble that was once a home.


"We lost everything! We have two children in the hospital! And now its snowing! Snowing and sleeting! We are Blessed. Thank the Lord."

As the Fingers of God tore through the area well after the polls closed in Tennessee, I would be willing to bet that every person whose mouth can so disassociate itself with their brain as the quote above, voted for Mike Huckabee earlier in the day.

One often wonders – as we do concerning all that Jihad business – how such people come to be? Is it the obvious? Just idiots brainwashing their children? Or could it be something else?

Over the years I have joked that with it all being so regional – here and abroad – perhaps inbreeding coupled along with some biological or genetic hoodoo is the cause of it.

Which brings us to the real horror. Many of us have been denied this "silly gene" that makes so many so stupid and so happy, causing not a few of the rest us to fall into a life of beer and drugs trying to be just as stupid and happy as they are! A class action lawsuit may be in order.

Recently I have found this is no joke. Studies show that religious belief may indeed be genetic and evolutionary. Of course this means that if you are not a believer, it’s not your fault!

Here a couple links to get you started…

Religious faith may be genetic

Did Religion Evolve?