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Trevor Noah, Ben Carson is stupid and disgusting

Trevor Noah, Ben Carson is stupid and disgusting You need to watch this one to the end as I didn’t want ruin the ending with a spoiler as
Trevor Noah Ben builds up the difference between the speed of two semi automatic pistols blasting at you and slow talking, slow walking Dr Ben’s speech to get everyone more involved.

You know it wasn’t so much that he blamed the victims rather than the shooter in this case in Oregon, but that he said the blood split does not bother him as much as restrictions on gun ownership. So please ad a big DISGUSTING and CREEPY to the already long list of silly crap from this bonehead.

But we must give a few things to Dr Ben Carson, for unlike other blacks channeling Clarence Thomas to become president [Alan Keyes and Herman Cain] he gets away with saying far dumber things more often while enjoying a much longer shelf life. And like Clarence Thomas who knows he can get away with anything while giving Democrats the finger because he cannot be impeached for the politically incorrect racism involved, Dr Ben also gets a mostly free ride except when other blacks like Trevor Noah and Larry Wilmore take on this creep. Creepy is as creepy does.