Yes, I am sorry you are having trouble with your suicide vest, are you at home alone by yourself, good, have you tried turning it on and back off again” Terrorist Help Desk Trevor Noah who gets even not only the Indian accent right but the first point of help.
And then on to Trump and the NRA whose answer to Paris is more guns at soccer games, bars and concert halls, you know, like the best why to get out of a hole is to dig more holes.
But more to the point with Mike Huckabee, his crap is how the Republican Base thinks, we need to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK from Muslims, Mexicans, Chinamen, Kenyans and African Americans, which is kinder and more tolerant solution than batpoop crazy Donald Trump’s BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF THEM.
There is a world wide truth that most people do not want to come to terms with. The more God in one’s life the more intolerant, bigoted and stupid one becomes.