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Trevor Noah, politicizing terrorism only wrong for white men with guns

Trevor Noah, politicizing terrorism only wrong for white men with guns

Trevor Noah, politicizing terrorism only wrong for white men with guns Something there is that doesn’t love a Republican. Let’s make a list of the heart of Republicans:

Making America White Again
Capital Punishment – execution
Corporal Punishment – slapping kids around
Guns for everyone
Care not one wit about the environment
Burn ever more gas, oil and coal
Mindless patriotism – Jingo
Celebration of the confederacy
Religious intolerance
Racism – now renamed White Resentment
Reduction of taxes for the wealthy
Destruction of the social safety net
Healthcare run for board room profit
Stand your ground with a gun
Personal responsibility for blacks and browns
Big Walls
English only
Stop immigration
Round up 11 million Mexican families and deport them
Punch out protesters

And that’s just the good stuff…