President Trump follows up a week of smash mouthing Europe in person by returning home to give those elitist Europeans foreigners another smash in the face to be the only G7 nation to deny climate change and walk away.
This issue, like the GOP health care plan and the Trump budget flies in the face of what polls shoe 2/3 of Americans want.
So how does he and the GOP get away with doing what 2/3 of Americans want done? Gerrymandering, suppressing the vote, fear, lies, alternate facts, fake news, bigotry, those damn uppity women and semantic games of political correctness and now free speech played to an overly loud obnoxious, intolerant and ignorant Republican Base.
Oh, almost forgot the biggest reason. Democrats and Liberals sitting on their lazy asses instead of voting. Just 80,000 more votes in three states would have avoided this nightmare.