Seth Meyers – “If you’ve been thinking to yourself, the only way Hillary can win is if Donald Trump is keeping underage girls in his basement – good news!” Of course Meyers refers to Trump’s scandal of the week, the Trump Modeling agency and illegal immigration factory. Seth has ‘a couple things’ to ask Trump beginning with; ” Are you the law and order candidate or the Law and Order SVU candidate?
This whole thing may come as a blow to rabid followers who are drawn by Trump’s ‘hard stance’ in immigration.While Trump rails against illegal immigrants, promising to deport millions on his first day in office, he makes no promises about freeing the ‘hot’ illegal immigrants in his basement who bring in millions of dollars for him. Mother Jones Magazine wrote a hair-raising expose’ of Trump’s fashion business, which is described as ‘modern day slavery’ by the girls interviewed. As promised, Seth has a couple things to ask Trump, not the least of which is how he performs his ‘extreme vetting process’ on the young, attractive girls. It’s quite possible that a crocheted bikini and strong lighting is necessary to rule out potential terrorists in Trump world, which would complicate the job for immigration officials – if the unthinkable should happen.