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UCB Comedy:Great Women of History and Their Husbands

1987 First women's History Time of the  Month Great Women and Their Husbands UCB Comedy

UCB Comedy celebrates ‘Women’s History Time of the Month,’ a tribute to great women in history “and the husbands who made them great,:  The men often suffer in the shadow of great women. Alone, in silence, and largely unappreciated, they aid from the sidelines. . It’s high time we gave them their due. (I think I just bit off my own tongue).

If featuring the men prominently seems to rob  some glory from the ladies, please know the entire send-up is tongue-in-cheek, as you’ll see if you dutifully watch the video.  Peter Carlisle hosts what only appears to be a popular Saturday Morning special from the year 1987, the very first year Women’s History Month was celebrated. The perceived antiquity of the program explains arcane references such as ‘the library’ and the jiggling film effect presumes to recreate primitive cinema from those dark ages. Damn Millennials – get offa my lawn!

You’ll soon learn why Abigail Adams, wife of our second President John Adams, and mother of our 6th President John Quincy Adams is truly unique – or was. The Bush family has stolen her thunder.  Abigail’s claim to fame is now  shared  with only one other woman in history, Barbara Bush. You MUST watch the video for this shocking reveal! You’ll never look at Babs or Abby the same way again.

Also covered are Mrs. Raymond Parks AKA Rosa , astronaut Steven Holly’s wife Sally Ride, and Mr. Earhart’s lost wife Amelia – although this pair disproves the theory.   Mrs. Diego Rivera aka Frida Kahlo would have plenty to say to the narrator; the least of which being, no one ever rocked a uni-brow like Frida!
Last, I mention Joan of Arc. I believe you all know that she was single. The narrator would have you believe that Joan would have escaped her fate, if she had only married well.  What say you?