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US 5th Court of Appeals rejects Ramos and Compean Appeal

ramos compeanMore than a year ago now while following a van near the Mexican border in El Paso, Texas, border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean pulled it over. The driver ran and the two agents unloaded their guns at the unarmed fleeing Hispanic male. He survived one bullet in the back. The agents had yet to search the van to know there was marijuana in it. Or did they know the man was a Mexican pot dealer. But they knew they were not suppose to be shooting unarmed people in the back so they gathered up their spent cartridges, lied and did their best to cover up the incident.

Police lying and covering up the shooting – discharge of a weapon in the act of a felony – added 10 years to their 2 year sentences. A rather recent Republican mandatory sentencing law. You know, that Republican rule of law crap that came back to bite their own on the ass. 

Last week the US 5th Circuit Court rejected the agents appeal though every right-wing radio host has both men up there as American heroes along with Joe Horn, Dick Cheney and Jesus Christ. Both Texas Senators and every other Republican in Texas have been lobbying George W. Bush for a commutation of their sentences. While Bush balks, the agents’ lawyers are filing the appeal to the US Supreme Court. Long prison terms for 2 Border Patrol agents upheld

"These guys shot an unarmed suspect as he was running away. Then they lied about it and destroyed evidence. I can’t imagine there are many people in Congress or anywhere who believe it’s OK for cops to shoot an unarmed suspect." Prosecuting attorney Johnny Sutton said.

I can think of no one in Texas more out of touch with Texas than Johnny Sutton! My God man… Not only is it okay in Texas for police (or anyone else for that matter – Pasadena Joe Horn) to shoot and kill unarmed people in the back, but they also become heroes for doing so. There are parades in the works!

This is akin to the joy Texans take in executions. It’s not exactly shooting unarmed people in the back, but rather, tying unarmed people to a cross shaped table and injecting them with poison. Same mentality. It is the stuff of heroes here in Texas. You know how the song goes?

There’s the yellow state of Texas that I am from you see…