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VIDEO: Bill Maher discusses Eric Massa, his X rated tickle fights, Bunk Scuba

Bill Maher, host of Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO talks with Lawrence O’Donnell about the disturbing and bizarre saga of former congressman Eric Massa. Massa is revealing sexual kinks even Bill Maher hasn’t heard of, making Maher wonder how many closeted gays inhabit the congressional steam room. From my observations they later take the floor and vote against
gay issues. Here’s to Massa, subject of the day known for "Massa massages," "snorkeling," and other blatant sexual acts while in the Navy and beyond.The question Maher and O’Donnell conclude their discussion with stems from an observation made by a former ship-mate of Massa. "It doesn’t surprise me that he’d end up in congress." Is that how low we’ve set the bar?