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Video: Daily Show Jason Jones profiles Arizona Tequila drinkers

Whenever this issue comes up I think how cool it would be for police to sweep the next Tea Party rally and demand proof of citizenship from all participants. I think we would soon find out what the guns are for! Cops!

There are two big issues at play in all this.

1) The dishonesty by  those pushing this SHOW US YOUR PAPERS mentality claiming it will not involve racial profiling. Even with recent changes, that is one of those really really big Republican lies (like Fox News being fair and balanced) that everyone knows is a Republican lie. MY DOG KNOWS IT. But they repeat the lie no matter because Republicans have learned far better than Democrats that repetition smothers the American mind into accepting any crazyass thing.

2) The other big issue is what is behind the Republicans refusal of  "comprehensive" immigration reform. For unlike their mentor President Ronald Reagan who pushed for and signed "comprehensive" immigration reform in 1987 by handing out Green Cards which gave amnesty to the 4 million illegals here at that time, today’s teatarded flavored Republicans want all 10 million of them rounded up by any and all police agencies, physically smashing in doors, tearing them from their jobs and families, to be taken in vans to family prisons (concentration camps) and then put on buses (where are the trains) for forced removal. That is what this is ALL ABOUT. Rounding up and ridding ourselves of millions of poor people of one specific ethnicity (race). Call it what you will, but even Ronald Reagen understood the evil of it.

But it does hold well to the nasty and violent Republican ideology of our day.