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VIDEO: Daily Show Lewis Black and too many retards

Back in Black Lewis Black plays the politically incorrect game concerning the "R" word! The nitty gritty on this  is how Republicans can skewer the debate by claiming evil intent upon Democrats while defining the same thing when they do it as fun loving satire, even when there is no satire present or intended!

Once again as with the President eating the Republicans for lunch or Jon Stewart beating Bill O’Reilly over the head on the Fox News O’Reilly Factor, whenever Republicans have to face an immediate response to their tripe, it bodes poorly for them. Of course they have the mainstream media always giving them the benefit of the doubt out of fear of losing pickup truck, been and Hostess revenues. So this face to face honesty is seldom seen by much of anyone other than YOU AND I.

Perhaps these Republicans should stay in the closet. Maybe its time for
an Amendment to the Defense of Marriage Act. A law restraining
Republicans from marrying and breeding between themselves. Much like the
chances of first cousins breeding and resulting in children best locked
up in a room and only let out to play in a fenced off pond of a backyard