It’s no wonder the lunatic fringe is coming to the fore of the Republican party with fine advertising like this up their sleeves – wait, yes…I’m almost certain that’s where it resides. Of course Democrats are next, Nancy Pelosi needs our help! It’s obvious that the issues aren’t important in these ads. I’m thinking that since Dennis already has "A Few Good Men" and a James Bond thriller lined up next, there have to be a few great titles for Nancy to place him in a worse light than he already does. Would "Raging BS" be too much? If it gets too ugly a remake of Norman Bate’s classic might not be a stretch, starring that wholesome-faced advocate of the "Constitution"and little else John Dennis. I
like an afternoon walk as much as anyone, but it’s nothing to base a campaign upon.
As the unthinkable occurs in schools throughout the country, and parents require permission and opt-outs to shield their children’s eyes from an inspirational talk by the President of the United States, Jim Greer who once
campaigned along with them, apologized to Obama today.