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Video: Jon Stewart, Andy Griffith becomes the Satan of N. Carolina

As you can see from the ad in this video, it is no wonder Sheriff Taylor has gone down 25 points in the Mayberry polls.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon – Thurs 11p / 10cMayberry
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

It is not debt, it is not freedom, liberty, honor, values or any of that subjective bullhockey, the mad elephant in the room is a health care reform, a social program white people will be FORCED to pay in to which will also benefit non white people, and Mexicans and perhaps even some Muslims!

The good news is even with a total rout in November of both houses of Congress, Obama still has the veto pen and those 60 votes they cannot get to rescind health care reform and his impeachment. Both of which the Republicans will be screaming for.

If there were a plan of Universal single payer Health Care for Whites Only it would pass. Kick! The bigotry pages

What is happening with the Tea Party taking our nation into a high dive into all this Right-wing swill is the very reason I stuck with Hillary Clinton to the very end. It was not a matter or policy, but I saw this backlash coming and knew a white witch (Sister Sarah) is far more acceptable to the American people than an uppity Negro (Jackson/Sharpton).  My "Jackson 88" yard sign did not last two days before it became a pile of cinders.