The joke is on the Republicans for staging a pretend state of the union speech in Virginia. It had all the gravitas of last years State of the Union rebuttal by Republican… Billy… Johnny… Something or other who was only the day before going to be our next president. Jingles! That’s it Johnny Jingles! Mr Jingles Neighborhood
Sadly for me I was in the car yesterday and heard Rush Limbaugh’s letter "Dear Mr President" response to President Obama’s State of the Union speech. Holy Hockerlockers! [That was an expression of excitement I picked up when I lived in Minnesota before the term was recently replaced up there by Datfrigginfarve!]. That so much raw seething personal hatred could emanate from one person is beyond me. I had to hose down the dashboard when I got home to get all the Limbugs out of the car . The Rush Limbaugh Letter sound only at Youtube
Over all, THE WORD on President Obama’s State of the Union speech was that it was a hit for the people and a miss in Washington. For as the video points out the president included everyone but babies and puppies to snap at.
This Bob McDonnell fellow is a piece of work. Literally. He seems a satire of himself a caricature of some form of political milquetoast perfection. A Ken Doll if you will, with a pull string in back that blandly recites every Republican cliche with the same blank stare. Perhaps he is a robot created by Karl Rove and funded by Amway. Even his name "Bob McDonnell" seems made up to please the polls. This guy is so far into the realm of superficial, goody-two-shoes Republican mundanity I wouldn’t be surprised if one of his children had no head, so the so-called "McDonnells" could claim to have the average number 1.89 children.