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VIDEO, Marcelas Owens 11 yr old health care advocate witnesses Obama sign historic bill

The engaging eleven year old Marcelas Owens lost his young mother due to a job loss, and subsequent loss of insurance. This is a more common series of events in our country than the opposition knows or cares. Young Owens talks about what it was like to stand next to President Obama as he signed the historic health care act into law. Contrary to Republican slings and arrows, the young boy has been active in the movement since his mother’s untimely
passing, and wasn’t recruited by Democrats as a heart melting poster boy, as accused. The Republicans would draw that conclusion, as they have failed to achieve similar results with such nobodies as Joe the Plumber and Victoria (washed up) Jackson who are now regulars on the Teabagger circuit, following in the wake of the big fish like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. All of the above greatly lack the sincerity and brains of this dedicated eleven-year-old, who plans to be a future president.