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VIDEO Not Safe For Work: Feds engrossed in Porn at work, ignore evidence on Bernie Madoff

It’s a wonder that Bernie Madoff could make off with $55 million dollars without anyone having a clue. It’s even more amazing when we learn that Harry Makopolis  handed evidence and hard data of Madoff’s scheme directly to the Securities and Exchange Commission! It now appears that they couldn’t be bothered. At least two dozen Feds who are paid to pay attention to these matters have been caught and are under investigation for viewing prom at work. We’re not talking about a little prom, the "team leader" managed to log in to one prom site 1,800 times in 17 days. No wonder the warnings and evidence by Markopolis didn’t even register with these hard working guys, who obviously need to purchase laptops for home use. They’ll probably be hanging around there a lot until they can find other jobs.