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Video Olbermann Worst: James Inhofe gay..dont tell, Linda McMahon oil wrestling, Trucked up

Gold: Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla. The homophobe from Oklahoma is taking time out from climate change denial, to fight the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, on the presumption that our military men and women are just as homophobic as he. Inhofe envisions foxholes bearing signs proclaiming Straights Only Need Apply. In fact, he refers to the military as "men, women, and a third group." Apparently he hasn’t realized that the moronically tagged "third group" is larger than he thinks, have the same needs, desires, and hopes…and that they even vote.

Silver: Linda McMahon of the McMahon wrestling dynasty has cleverly selected a poorly-timed theme in her Connecticut Senate run. She won’t soon out-run the oopsie, as it has just
been featured in her twelve page color brochure. Spill baby spill!

Bronze: The Driver of an 18 – wheeler who led police on an erratic chase for an hour, may not have been aware of their presence. When finally stopped and shot with bean bags, (I’m not certain in which order), police were surprised to discover what the sleepy and confused man’s truck was carrying.