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Video Olbermann Worst: TPer Victoria Jackson to laugh, LA Dodgers owners too bizarre, Paul Brown D,Ga two faces

Gold: The winner is Victoria Jackson, whose column would read like an Onion headline piece, except they – and you, know they’re putting you on. In this ‘Must See’ segment Jackson, new Tea Party initiate tells us how and why she voted Clinton out – and Bush in. Yes, she is responsible, and this took place in the same election. If the proceeding confused you too beware. Jackson follows with more unintentional zingers. Ms Vickie, gives us a peek into the unique mind of the one person who felt "safe" when Dubya was in office…other than Osama Bin Laden, perhaps.

Silver: LA Dodgers owners Frank and Jamie McCourt win Worst and Weirdest. It’s good to be rich, it’s also good to be Vladimir Shpunt. You’ve never heard of him either? For four hours per day, the "scientist and healer" transmitted positive and healing "V energy" to the Dodgers from his sofa three thousand miles away. What’s that kind of thing worth, you say? It’s worth a whole lotta money, that’s what! I just realized what I want to be when I grow up!

Bronze:.Paul Broun R – Ga. Birther Broun is on a tear about big government, TARP, and any financial solutions brought forth by the Obama administration. A look at Broun’s campaign contributions reinforces the old adage that those with the gold make the rules…and elect their glittering cronies.