If there truly is no such good thing as bad publicity, this has been another great week for Wasilla’s own Sarah Palin, as she led the punch lines on nearly every network late night show from Conan to Letterman, Craig Ferguson, and the queen of daytime TV Oprah Winfrey, who supported President Obama in the election. Not only was this a first for Oprah politically, she let Palin speak without interruption for an hour; something she rarely has done without a "me too" story, or an "If you think that’s bad, listen what happened to
me" tale to interrupt the flow….and oh, how some felt the flow needed interruption!
Lawrence O’Donnell discusses the Palin media blitz as seen through the eyes of several late-night TV icons in their own right, with clips from all. Let’s just say the comments reflect a certain history between the Dave and Sarah. Not unfairly noting that Palin felt qualified to state that Obama’s economics plans were "backasswards" Dave has it on good knowledge that her plans were "ukin’fun
qualified" The combined one-liners from all are done is good spirited fun.Then again, they didn’t wait in the freezing rain for nine hours for their audience with Ms Wasilla!