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Video: Stephen Colbert, Islamophobia & halal foods

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
ThreatDown – Muslim Edition
Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep Fear Alive

This satirical piece on religious intolerance came just after I watched the first part of the PBS three part series, GOD IN AMERICA.

The first thing that struck me from the 2 hour documentary spanning the time from the Spanish move into New Mexico to the Civil War is there were no witches! Or did they cover that in that one minute I took to prepare some invisible ink to fill my boner toner?

I was also struck by the realization that I could finally stop flip flopping around trying to find out what it is that makes most Americans the self serving, intolerant, violent warlike nitwits we are.

I have jumped from one cause and effect to another over the years. From nothing matters but what’s in our back pocket. To our genetic disposition lacking any form of altruism or ability to see things from any other point of view but our own. To our reliance upon violent solutions and hatred of anyone or any place we perceive as smarter than we are. And of course that overwhelming belief that only our crap doesn’t stink.

Well last night settled it. We were founded upon "made up stuff". In fact we were a theocracy until 1791 when the 1st Amendment was adopted.  As long as we live in a society based upon "made up stuff" we can say we are better than everyone else. We can even say that our "made up stuff" is better than anyone else’s "made up stuff". It’s the power of "made up stuff!"

We are #1! God has said so and that’s that. The problem is that anything based upon "made up stuff" can not long endure but as it has lasted 400 years now and seems to be getting worse, I have little hope that reality will kick in anytime soon.