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Voting Rights Act, Voter Discrimination Free at last! Free at Last

voting rights act

Free at last!  To make it hard for black, brown, poor and the young to vote.  I suppose looking at the coming demography, this and school vouchers are the only hope Republicans have. After all, changing is not in their genes.

I suppose it doesn’t really matter much to Republicans if they go from losing 95% of the black vote to 100%.  But I am not so sure that losing more women with their Abortion and Birth Control bills, losing more Hispanics for walking away from the immigration bill, voting against background checks, and of course losing the young and the smart to their Evangelical Taliban wing will be of any help. Well beyond 2014 anyway.

Hey I just heard we get to use silencers now in Michigan!  To keep the constant roar of gunshots down to acceptable levels in Detroit.  Maybe this will cause Ted Nugent to move from Texas back to Michigan!

Did you hear that Texas? Come on hurry up. We got our AR15 here with 100 round clips and people can hear us shooting up schools and restaurants and workplaces. We need to keep the clamor down so we have time to escape before the police get wind of it. Guns are more fun than sex!