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Westboro Baptist Christian Preacher Fred Phelps Eulogy by Michael Moore

Has anyone spread more hatred in this world than Christian Pastor Fred Phelps?

Fred Phelps Eulogy by Michael MooreCelebrating the death of anyone puts one in the same boat to Hell as Fred Phelps. So how about a little flashback for the Fred Phelps eulogy?

This is really bigger than Fred Phelps as this 1999 clip is why Michael Moore second only to Al Sharpton as the most reviled man in America. Doing the Right Thing is a horrible precedent to set especially before the rest of the nation gets on board.

This is also the case for who is now the most reviled President in American History, for he too often states that the reason he does this or that is “because it is the right thing to do.” As we all know the vitriol directed at President Obama cannot possibly be about race, so this ‘doing the right thing” thing must be it. Doing the right thing is much like political correctness, no one wants to be guilty of it.

sodomy laws map 1999Speaking of race, here we see that familiar map again and again. This one is about sodomy laws in 1999, but it could be most any issue that wallows in bigotry, racism, religious intolerance and ignorance. It’s always pretty much the same basic map with a few outliners here and there. But always at the very center are the old Confederate states behind the laws against gays, blacks, immigrants, voting, Medicaid, equal education, women’s reproduction, minimum wage, unions, evolution, global warming and what have you. The same 11 confederate states at the very core of the denial of real freedom and real liberty for everyone. And as none of it has anything to do with race, it must have everything to do with Bible Belt Christianity, and the white gravy.  I ask you, what color is the gravy you put on your okra?