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‘What Gun Nuts Fear’ Cartoon & James Yeager Loses Gun Permit

Horsey cartoon: What Gun Nuts Fear & James Yeager loses Permit

Horsey cartoon  what gun nuts fear  James Yeager loses gun permit
Big-Mouth Ass James Yeager, the Tennessee firearms trainer who posted a video last week has lost his handgun carry permit.  Tennessee’s Homeland Security office revoked the permit after viewing his video in which he said – in part:
“I’m not f–king putting up with this. I’m not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I’m not letting anybody take my guns! If it goes one inch further, I’m going to start killing people.”  A Tennessee safety official who made the decision said this of the video:    “He had a conviction in his voice, and the way he looked into the camera, I believe he’s capable of a violent act.”