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What’s wrong with you? Asks Alan Grayson of the Christian bathroom police

What's wrong with you? Asks Alan Grayson of the Christian bathroom policeThis is so hilarious, the line “What’s wrong with you?” has never been better placed than in this video from by Alan Grayson in the Well of Congress.  Hear Here. That moment starts at minute 6.  And that is not even considering the actual policing of our bathrooms.

What’s wrong with YOU is that coming from rather dull stock, with no hope of ever having an original or creative thought, having suffered your formative years being brainwashed by your previously brainwashed parents, you have found thinking for yourself just too hard a task, so have settled upon religious dogma that denies science, facts and reality causing you to dwell in, celebrate and promote a worldview reeking of intolerance, bigotry and nasty clownish behavior. Write that down in case YOU forget.