One big take-away from this survey is the finding that there is a strong correlation between the respondent’s political affiliation and their perception of racism in people from other racial groups. One could conclude that Republicans are experiencing a bit of cognitive dissonance, now that the push is on to convince minority voters that they share the same values and really, really like them!
The fine folks from NMA World Edition add their own perspective to this debate.
Racists were asked in a recent survey to identify which race they thought was the most racist in America. The survey, conducted by Rasmussen reports, found that conservative whites thought black people were the most racist, while only 12% of conservative whites considered themselves the most racist. Oddly, black respondents were more confident and 31% gave themselves the “most racist” award. While the survey paints an uncomfortable portrait of race relations in the US, the real winner should be Rasmussen Reports WHO FORGOT TO PUT ASIANS ON THE SURVEY! Come on!