Adorable pot-bellied pups and warm furry kittens are irresistible, and no one is advocating the urban cat over the suburban dog. However, if dogs & cats wasted their time with politics like their keepers do, they would definitely fall into place within the framework of either the Republican or the Democratic parties.
One need only watch a right wing demonstration – or Chris Christie – to be reminded of the neighborhood dogs. Just one canine giving voice to his unhappiness will set off every dog within a mile… All are barking and howling and none are listening. Granted, Christie is more of a junk yard dog barking down anyone who passes his way without a sizable check.
To be fair, cats do strongly believe in entitlements, and don’t bother drug testing them, you right-wing welfare reform Republicans! So they enjoy a bit of the herb… Is it so bad to feel so good? The cartoonist (kirktoons) contrasts the way cats and dogs interact with the environment,their relationships with ‘The Man,’ and many other relevant and funny signs of their political leaning. The real killer is the comparison to Hannity and Colmes – explained rationally for the first time ever, in a cartoon.