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Will lawsuit cocktail wienie put off Impeachment? Sack Cartoon

cocktail wienie before impeachment

Yesterday morning it was assumed that the House would pass their emergency humanitarian immigration bill. But it was foiled by Senator Ted Cruz who left the Senate to go lobby the Tea Party in the House to stomp it into the ground. He succeeded.

It is also Ted Cruz, in the Senate, who is working most diligently on the House business of impeaching the President. Also keep in mind that Ted Cruz enjoys that Joe McCarthy charisma that causes women to throw their Hostess wrappers and Depends at him whenever he speaks.

Digest all that? Okay, now give the Senate to the GOP come November and tell me all this impeachment talk is just crap that cannot happen. These people exist white hot ugly hate. And we all know it and don’t care enough to get off our asses to vote.