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Women Absurdly Punished for Abortion With or Without Trump – Seth Meyers

Women Absurdly  Punished for Abortion With or Without Trump - Seth Meyers

Seth  Meyers tales a closer look at Donald Trump’s controversial statement that there should be “some form of punishment” for women who seek abortions – and finds there already are many forms of punishment, depending upon the state in which you reside.

By now, we’ve all seen Chris Mathews and his relentless struggle to pin Trump down, which made me realize just how rare it is for Trump to commit to an answer.  Trump closes his eyes and proceeds to run out the clock with a series of broad generalizations and evasive bather…And it almost always works for him.  It is suggested that ‘Hard Ball’ isn’t just a show, but a condition peculiar to Matthews. If it hadn’t been clear that Matthews was ready and willing to sit there all night, Trump would still be mum on the subject.  Seth quips;”Trump talks about issues, in the same vague way middle school students report on a book they’ve never read.” Ben Carson rose to Trump’s defense ;”I don’t believe Donald knew that question was coming.”  I leave it to you and Seth Meyers to imagine just how surprised Trump would constantly be as leader of the free world.

It is hypocritical of the pro-abortion group to say they don’t advocate punishment for women.  The punishment varies within individual states. In Florida, a  Republican – led state legislature passed a measure  to cut funding to reproductive health clinics. In process, the state would direct some women to dentists and optometrists for reproductive care.  Do you really want to know your dentist that well?  I can’t top Florida, but  Utah runs a close second,  in this amusing run-down of really big Trump news this week…So far.