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Woodward & Bernstein’s Knees Would Be Knocking in 2013 Benghazi Cover-Up . BSof A Comedy

Woodward & Bernstein's Knees Would Be Knocking in 2013 Benghazi Cover-Up Washington. BSof A Comedy
If you can project the fearless journalists Woodward and Bernstein into today’s 2013 Washington D.C. they might remain nobodies, if you believe the Benghazi-Gate hype!
In this skit, their editor is excited about the connection between the Obama Administration and the Benghazi cover-up…But maybe discretion is the better part of valor? To that end it’s better to print about Lindsay Lohan, baseball mascots and Kardashian baby bumps, because the evil Obama administration will stop at nothing to keep their secrets under wraps.

Of course the Benghazi, IRS and AP connections that FOX ‘news’ and other conservatives desperately hope will be the Obama Administration’s downfall, their Vince Foster and  Oval Office-Gate all rolled into one – are ridiculous.  What a dream it is…They could eliminate fearsome Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and the rest of the pesky Democrats, without legislating themselves into their constituents good favor!

However, to many this skit portrays the truth. Paul Ryan – whose veracity is shaky at best, has been vacillating back and forth, recently stating that there is   “No doubt” a cover-up took place. At other times he states that an investigation should be completed before drawing a conclusion. However, he states unequivocally that there is a cover-up on his  official congressional website.