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America is Finally Great Again on Trump’s 100 Day Mark! – Keith Olbermann

America is Finally Great Again on Trump's 100 Day Mark! - Keith Olbermann

America is Finally Great Again on Trump's 100 Day Mark! - Keith Olbermann

Here we are at the Trump one hundred day mark, when he said he would “Make America Great Again!”(patent pending). While to most of us, it feels as though eleventybillion days have passed, to Trump it has only been 60 days. You see, Trump denies having anything to do with setting the bar at 100 days, complaining bitterly “Somebody put out the concept of a hundred day plan.”
That certain ‘somebody’ is spelled TRUMP or MORONĀ  suggests Keith.

Keith gives Trump credit for all that he has accomplished. It’s a quiet segment. We are then treated to a partial reading of:’Trump’s 100 day action plan to Make America Great Again.’ Trump ‘accomplished’ none of his goals…Rather, the goals that ‘somebody’ made up for him in this arbitrary time frame. Be sure to tweet your congratulations to him. Trump just adores the love!