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Bill Maher monologue, Sarah Palin whines, January 14, 2011

I would think Republicans would be the ones crying for civility the loudest. After all they are the ones who support and promote 30 round clips, assault rifles, carrying guns in churches, bars and shopping centers without a permit. Also the very people who wish to take away funding for mental health care so the wealthy can enjoy more tax breaks, even in a time of war when our kids are falling in the sand. Also they are that very same gang who believe war is good, bigotry is required, intolerance is something to be proud of and executions are fun.

Let me be the first to say that it’s very hard to be civil to the KIND OF PEOPLE who not only promote that long list of nasty swill, but do so  through Jesus Christ at their side. You bet they want civility for they sure as Hell don’t deserve a nanonit of it. The poor misguided souls…