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Cartoon: GOP unlocks the door to Racism, Oliphant

A little behind the times Pat! The GOP opened that door the very day Barack Obama became president. Since that racist door was unlocked by Fox, talk radio, the Tea Parties and most notably racist Andrew Brietbart, the Republican Party has flung it wide open. Kick! The Race Pages.

But Republicans are by no means one dimensional in this matter. Noticing that their poorly hidden racism gave them a good bump in the polls, they followed their nature to peruse ethnic bigotry against Hispanics which caused an even bigger pump up in the polls. In fact so successful was their racial and now ethnic bigotry that the GOP cranked it up even further to use the Mosque issue to add religious intolerance to help define just what KIND OF PEOPLE they are. Kick! The Religion Pages

Since this war on Islam went into top gear a few weeks ago, pollster Charlie Cook has moved seats won by Republicans in the House from 35 to 45. 

Speaking of the Mosque, some spirited anti-Muslim demonstrators near Ground Zero beat up a young man on the street not because he was a Muslim, but because HE LOOKED like a Muslim. Screaming that he was not did him no good. And now with that instance and all the other ugly people out there screeching like the bigots they are, any plan to move the Mosque is dead. We cannot allow a nasty mob of religious bigots to put their crapstain on our Constitution and our nation.

We are also closing in on the date for the big Koran book burning over in Gainesville, Florida. Though the city fire department has said no permit will be processed, the Dove World Outreach Center plans for the book burning no matter. What a truly hilarious name for a Christian church that promotes hate of others around the world. I suppose the next step is painting green crescent moons on Muslim storefronts and homes? Dove World told it can’t burn Qurans