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Daily Show Desi Lydic makes a fool of Trumpette Toni Holt Kramer & Wink Martindale

Daily Show Desi Lydic makes a fool of Trumpette Toni Holt Kramer & Wink MartindaleHolyhockylockers! Could this be done any better than this? Desi Lydic for President!  This enforces one of my central issues with this election, the problem isn’t Donald Trump it’s Republicans.

Why would this profoundly clueless Toni Holt Kramer and Wink Martindale put their names and faces to this on YOUTUBE in forevera? FOREVERA. Write that down!

They are true believers. That The Donald will turn American into Mar a Lago where membership is a mere $100k [with heavy sponsor requirements] and lots and lots of terrific desserts. With an ice cream machine!

And just a walkabout from Rush Limbaugh’s and Roger Ailes mansions. And a quick car ride to Matt Drudge and Ann Coulter’s homes. Real Americans in the real America. Palm Beach, Florida and Bel Air, California.