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Irish People’s Reactions to Donald Trump, Shocked and Amused!

Irish People's Reactions to GOP Front-runner Donald Trump, Shocked and Amused!

A group of bright, young Irish people who did not know Donald Trump, watch videos of The Donald, and give their candid and amusing opinions of the American GOP front-runner.  It is great fun to watch people who had no preconceived notions of The Donald, as they come to the realization that a wealthy, braggart and racist is indeed running for President of the United States.

It is amusing to watch as the group begins to see Trump’s eccentricities and bravado. “He’s a humble lad, very modest” quips one man, when Trump brags about his vast wealth and big brain. “He’s good with the finger” observes a man noting Trump’s frequent hand gestures and pointing…But the light-hearted mood doesn’t last long.

Interesting to me, is that the  differences in our cultures become evident when Trump talks about his Great Wall and paints Mexican people as rapists and thieves. “Why does he hate Mexico so much?” asks a woman.  Another person observed, “It’s total racism, isn’t it?!”  One  woman appeared incredulous, saying;  “When he said he wanted to build a wall, he got a round of applause!” Can we gather that racism isn’t cheered openly in Ireland; while in the U.S. – it’s a ticket to the Oval office.  I’ve never been so proud.  A man added: “I hate him!”

I really don’t think we should ever inform our Irish friends that Trump has found a great number of like-minded followers within our country. It would be much kinder to keep it from them; they simply aren’t ready to know!